
Showing posts from July, 2020

Requirements of CIA exam

Requirements of CIA exam Before Appearing in CIA exam candidates have to prove that they have met the following requirements: ·         Documents uploaded to the IIA’s certification document portal ·         Provide a legal proof of name change if you have changed your name since you received the documents In order to pursue CIA journey candidates must meet the requirements set by IIA ·         CIA exam ·         CIA certification 4E’S CIA program These 2 requirements address the 4E’S CIA program i.e. ·         Education ·         Ethics ·         Experience ·         Identification Education For CIA certification candidate must have: ·         As...

How To Prepare For CIA Exam

How To Prepare For CIA Exam   In this article, I will give you some best CIA exam tips which should be followed by every student to become certified in the first attempt. Whether you are new in this field or you are currently studying   for upcoming exams , this article will prove best for you. Step 1 Brief overview of CIA If you are new in this field and have no idea about CIA , you can read this article   to get a brief overview of CIA . In this article you will get to know about  exam contents , requirements,   benefits  of CIA . Step 2 Find Best CIA Study Material You need to find a specific CIA exam review material. There are many study materials available in the market, but you should look for the study material that matches your study style and also your budget. Give preference for one which have plenty of multiple choice questions and also practice tests, that ...

What is CIA? A Gist

What is CIA? A Gist CIA is the certified internal audit certification, administered by the Institute of Internal auditors (IIA). There are many certifications, but if you are looking for most advantageous certification in the field of audit, CIA is the best choice for you.CIA is well known professional qualification. This certification promises to accelerate your success as a practiced and skillful internal auditor. If you are committed and willing it’s the best time to have a look on the CIA Benefits of CIA There are many   Benefits of CIA few of them are ·          Increased Income ·          Job opportunities ·          Job security ·          Respect ·          Admiration ·          Advancement of skills ·   ...