Requirements of CIA exam

Requirements of CIA exam

Before Appearing in CIA exam candidates have to prove that they have met the following requirements:

·        Documents uploaded to the IIA’s certification document portal

·        Provide a legal proof of name change if you have changed your name since you received the documents

In order to pursue CIA journey candidates must meet the requirements set by IIA

·        CIA exam

·        CIA certification

4E’S CIA program

These 2 requirements address the 4E’S CIA program i.e.

·        Education

·        Ethics

·        Experience

·        Identification


For CIA certification candidate must have:

·        Associate degree or higher degree approved by IIA

·        IIA can accept following degrees if you don’t have  associate’s degree

o   Foundation degree, Higher national diploma, Diploma of higher education,three A-level certificate having grade or higher.


The following documents are needed

o    Copy of your degree, official transcripts, A-level certificate (If your name has changed since you earned your degree, you must also include your legal name change document.)

o    Confirmation letter of your degree from university

o    Confirmation letter of your degree level from evaluation service



·        High moral and professional character must be exhibited by the candidates

·        Submission of character reference ,signed  by CIA, CGAP, CCSA, CFSA, CRMA or your supervisor must be submitted



Work experience requirement for CIA :

·        Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent)

o   2 years – internal auditing experience or its equivalent

·        Master’s Degree (or equivalent)

o   1 year – internal auditing experience or its equivalent

·        Associate’s Degree, three year A-level Certificate with grade C or higher ( or equivalent)

·        5 years - internal auditing experience or its equivalent



For proof identification candidates have to provide following

·        Official passport

·        National identity card (expired document will not be accepted )


Eligibility period

The candidate’s application is approved by IIA for 3 years. If candidate’s  certification is not completed within 3 years ,he/she may lose any exam passed or any exam fee paid but, there is also one time extension of 12 month available for fee.

Quick links

If you want to know about CIA visit the article

 What is CIA? A gist

How to prepare for CIA exam

You can also buy best review courses of CMA PART 1 and CMA PART 2






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